Buccal Fat Removal Look Younger Sharper Facial Cosmetic Remedies For Removing Buccal Fat

Buccal fat removal is an increasingly popular trend in cosmetic surgery, creating a slimmer and younger-looking facial profile.

An under-local anesthesia and sedation procedure, liposculpture involves making an incision in the cheek in order to access and extract buccal fat deposits, then closing with dissolvable stitches. Removing buccal fat can help reduce the appearance of jowls and a double chin.

1. Facial Contouring

Facial contouring can drastically change the shape of your face by emphasizing cheekbones and jawlines, as well as improving facial balance. Buccal fat removal surgery (aka cheek reduction) focuses on eliminating fat pads beneath cheekbones – this area of fat known as buccal fat pad or adipose tissue has different sizes depending on individuals – which are present and thus necessary to remove.

Full, chubby cheeks may look adorable on children, but adults often prefer slimmer faces to emphasize their cheekbones and jawline. By extracting buccal fat pads, you can achieve a slimmer face and narrower facial contour. While results from cosmetic surgery are permanent, weight gain may obscure them so it is crucial that a reliable practitioner perform the procedure and you maintain healthy body weight levels for best results.

2. Eyebrow Lift

Some individuals possess large buccal fat pads that contribute to full, chipmunk cheeks. Although this looks cute when young, later-in-life this trait may create more babyish or immature features on an otherwise slim and well-sculpted facial structure.

Surgical buccal fat removal can reduce cheek volume and enhance cheekbone definition, creating a more refined appearance in women and a stronger jawline in men. This procedure offers patients who have tried diet and exercise but were unsuccessful at slimming their faces another option for slimming them down.

Neurotoxin injections offer a less invasive solution for lifting the outer portions of eyebrows; they work by relaxing muscles that pull them down, creating a slight elevation in their outer portion.

3. Eyelid Lift

Young patients seeking a V-shaped face shape often choose buccal fat removal to slim their features while providing naturally full cheeks; however, this trend in cosmetic surgery could backfire over time.

At an advanced age, fat and bone in the midface gradually break down naturally; when this process accelerates, fat removal from cheek areas may create hollows which may prove challenging to fill later on with dermal fillers or surgical techniques. Therefore, it is wise to discuss all options available with an experienced physician prior to undertaking any procedure of this nature.

Minimally invasive cosmetic surgery procedures such as Cheekbone Re-defining can transform the cheekbones and jawline for a sleeker, more refined appearance. Celebrities like Chrissy Teigen, Zoe Kravitz and Bella Hadid have all adopted this trend; it may not be recommended for people with flat faces.

4. Lip Lift

Buccal fat removal is a cosmetic facial procedure intended to sculpt and define lower areas of the face. This quick in-office procedure involves extracting pads of fat located in your cheeks – ideal for those who do not respond well to weight loss, are bothered by their “chipmunk cheek” appearance or who desire an altered jawline. It may also reduce facial asymmetry.

Be mindful that liposuction should only be performed by a certified surgeon, as too much fat removal could leave your appearance gaunt or sallow – making it hard to restore fullness once gone. Give this decision careful thought before going under the knife.

5. Botox

Buccal fat removal can create an aesthetic enhancement by decreasing fullness in the cheeks and creating a slimmer facial profile. Furthermore, this procedure may correct facial asymmetry as well as define jawlines which might otherwise appear overly prominent on one side of your face.

Under local anesthesia and sedation, this surgical procedure (commonly referred to as bichectomy) entails making a small incision inside your mouth to expose and then gently extract a buccal fat pad, then gently removing it with surgical instruments. Because its results won’t return after surgery, results should last long term.

To successfully reduce buccal fat, it’s best to consult a plastic surgeon with dual board-certification in both facial plastic surgery and Ear, Throat, and Nose Surgery – like Dr. Slenkovich who takes an individual approach in each cosmetic procedure he performs, listening carefully to individual goals before conducting thorough assessment of their facial structures.

Kristina Zakhary, facial cosmetic surgeon, explains that bichectomy can be combined with other facial contouring treatments like dermal fillers or Botox for a more comprehensive and optimal outcome.

Shubham Kansal

Shubham Kansal is a bit addicted to the latest happening in the political and sports world. He loves to watch anime & manga, suspense, and Horror web series. He used to search and writes about the latest political, sports, and popular celebrity biography.
