Is Johnny Manziel's Family Actually Rich? Here's Their True Story

Throughout his career, Johnny Manziel's family was known to have generational wealth due to their involvement in the oil business, but that's not entirely true. According to Bro Bible, Manziel and his manager, Nate Fitch, revealed in the Netflix documentary, "Untold: Johnny Football," they made up the story that he'd come from "Texas oil money."

Throughout his college career, Manziel had a suspicious amount of money that allowed him to live a life many could only dream of. While the Cleveland Browns star and Fitch would say it was because of generational wealth, it was actually because he broke NCAA rules, per Men's Journal. The football star would sell his autographs, which was strictly against NCAA conduct. Fitch explained, "I started with, 'How does he get caught?' He gets caught because somebody takes a picture during a paid autograph session. You can sign autographs all you want — the part you have to conceal is money being paid."

The football star's manager knew he couldn't have Manziel living such a wealthy lifestyle without a backstory, so he came up with the idea of generational wealth, per Men's Journal. He said, "As a freshman, you aren't allowed to talk to the media. but they were allowed to talk to me. And so, the biggest spin that still exists today, I invented the narrative that his family was vastly wealthy." Fitch said it best — the narrative stuck and many believe it to this day.
