Does Matt Walsh have a degree?


Does Matt Walsh have a degree? – Matt Walsh, born on June 18, 1986, is an American conservative commentator and writer.

He is widely known as the host of The Matt Walsh Show podcast and as a columnist for The Daily Wire. In addition to his media work, Walsh has authored four books and prominently appeared in the online documentary film “What Is a Woman?” produced by The Daily Wire.

Prior to his current roles, Walsh had a background as a talk radio host in Delaware and Kentucky. He has gained attention for his outspoken views against the LGBT community, particularly the transgender community, and has actively campaigned against organizations that offer or support transgender healthcare services, especially for minors.

Matt Walsh has been described as right-wing, conservative, and far-right. His commentary is sometimes described by media outlets as trolling. He labels himself a “theocratic fascist” in his Twitter biography, which he has said was in response to an opponent using the label as an insult.

Matt Walsh has argued that the trial of Kenosha unrest shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, who was acquitted, was malicious prosecution. He has argued for banning pornography and supports restricting abortion. Walsh has argued that ozone depletion and acid rain were never serious problems, in tweets that Ars Technica described as “willfully ignoring some very well-documented history”.

Regarding the casting of Halle Bailey in the live-action version of The Little Mermaid, Walsh said on The Daily Wire, “from a scientific perspective, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to have someone with darker skin who lives deep in the ocean,” and suggested that the mermaid should be translucent instead.


Matt Walsh’s commentary was mocked on CNN by digital senior entertainment writer Lisa France, who said “racism is real, unfortunately, and people get so offended”. Later, Walsh said that “Translucent rights are human rights”.

He called anime “satanic” in an answer to viewers’ questions in one of his videos, adding “I have no argument for why it’s satanic. It just seems that way to me.” He has called multiculturalism a “failed experiment”.

In 2022, left-leaning media watchdog group Media Matters for America uncovered audio recordings from the 2010s that contained Matt Walsh discussing teenage pregnancy on the radio show The Matt and Crank Program, saying that “the problem is not, per se, teenage pregnancy—it’s unwed pregnancy”, that “Girls between the ages of like 17 and 24 is when they’re technically most fertile”, and that society had only recently deemed being a teenager “too young to start a family”.

After receiving criticism for these comments, Matt Walsh defended his monologue, arguing that he was trying to communicate an uncontroversial historical observation, that because “people married young and stayed married” teenage pregnancy wasn’t considered an issue. He further argued that pregnancy out of wedlock is the core issue since it leaves the child “without a stable family structure in place to care for [them].”

Matt Walsh then declined to apologize, saying that “no-one gets canceled unless they consent to it, and they willingly play their assigned roles. Well, I do not consent, and I’m not going to play the game”. LGBTQ Nation accused Walsh of hypocrisy for defending teenage pregnancies while opposing transgender teenagers.

Walsh is an outspoken opponent of the LGBT rights movement and the LGBT community, in particular the transgender rights movement and the idea of being trans in general.

In June 2015, Matt Walsh condemned the U.S. Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges, which ruled that the U.S. Constitution guaranteed the right to marriage for same-sex couples, arguing that “a union between two homosexuals is not, never has been, and never will be a legitimate marriage”, while insinuating that the ruling will set marriage to become “an institution populated by all forms of depravity and corruption”.


In February 2021, after a Gallup poll showed a sharp increase of people who identify as LGBT, especially bisexual and transgender, in Generation Z compared to previous generations, Walsh accused “the media, Hollywood, and the school system” of recruiting children into the LGBT community. Other commentators quoted by PinkNews argued that Walsh was wrong, attributing the increase to different factors, including an easing of social stigmas among younger people.

Shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, Walsh accused President Joe Biden of feminizing the U.S. military and recruiting lesbians who he said “can’t do three pushups”, and said that it was “not a coincidence that [Russia’s invasion] happened after Biden spent his first year in office focusing primarily on wokeness”.

The New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg wrote that Walsh’s commentary, as well as that of other right-wing commentators, have caused an increase of anti-LGBT violence and sentiment in the United States. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) described Walsh as one of the “peddlers of fear and disinformation about LGBTQ people” in the wake of the Club Q mass shooting in November 2022.

Walsh had previously said opposing all-age drag events was like fighting cancer, and “just like cancer, stopping it is not a gentle or a painless process”. Following the shooting, Walsh lambasted critics of his rhetoric as “soulless demons” and “evil to the core”, accusing them of using the shooting to “blackmail us into accepting the castration and sexualization of children”.

He also rhetorically asked those on the left who felt that “the drag queen-child combination” would lead to “violent backlash” from right-wingers, “if it’s causing this much chaos and violence, why do you insist on continuing to do it?” Jeet Heer from The Nation described Walsh’s comments, along with those of a few other right-wing figures, as “implicitly a threat. The right is trying to create a new lynching culture, with LGBTQ people as the target”.

In April 2023, Walsh deemed opposition to proposed legislation against homosexuality in Uganda a form of “neo-colonialism” claiming that opponents of the bill “don’t think that Uganda has any particular right to govern itself and have its own culture and its own way of life.” Under this legislation, “aggravated homosexuality” would be punishable by death.

Does Matt Walsh have a degree?

After successfully earning his undergraduate degree from DePaul University, Matt Walsh delved into the field of Women and Gender Studies.

For the past decade, he has been an active participant in Chicago’s vibrant community, utilizing his creative skills to foster inclusivity and promote open dialogue.

Walsh has dedicated himself to cultivating safe environments where diverse groups can come together and engage in meaningful conversations surrounding challenging topics, including sexual misconduct, harassment, and dating violence.

Through his work, he strives to create spaces that encourage understanding, empathy, and positive change.



