Josh Serrano Obituary, Josh Serrano Has Passed Away Death


Josh Serrano Obituary, Death – It is with a very heavy heart that I relay the news that my friend of over 24 years may be passing away. Joshua Serrano, who was 38 years old at the time of his death, passed away Friday night. As of September 2000, we had known each other since we were in the ninth grade. We went through a period of separation, but we eventually came back together at various stages in our lives.

Many times, I would make the trip to Las Vegas in order to spend time with him, as well as his mother and father. During my first Mother’s Day, I was able to spend time with Brianalyse, who was a newborn at the time. His mother had the opportunity to meet her and babysit her. It was also his mother’s final Mother’s Day. I will never forget the morning in 2009 when I lost my grandmother. I contacted him in an unhappy state, and later that same day, he called me to tell me that his mother had passed away on the same day.

I feel that Josh lost a significant amount of himself on that day. (Toni, his mother, was someone I liked very much.)” He struggled with depression, but in order to feel better, he would chose to take pleasure in life, do things like go to the movies or dance karaoke, and be with the people he loved. It is my understanding that he did, in general, battle with his health, and sadly, he has passed away as a result of those struggles. During the previous year, he stayed with my brother for a period of time and also spent time with me and the children in our home.
